The Bible


Mattheüs 14:15



15 En als het nu avond werd, kwamen Zijn discipelen tot Hem, zeggende: Deze plaats is woest, en de tijd is nu voorbijgegaan; laat de scharen van U, opdat zij heengaan in de vlekken en zichzelven spijs kopen.



What Would Love Do? Part 1 of 7 - The Hungry

By Todd Beiswenger

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Jesus tell us to feed the hungry, and this week we start with a call to do just that. Locally, hunger isn't a major issue, but we can feed others in different ways. Take a look at the people around you...what can you do for them? It doesn't have to be huge, but just as Jesus fed 5000 with 5 loaves a bread and 2 fish, you can spread a little bit of love and knowledge a long way.

(References: Arcana Coelestia 5147; Divine Love and Wisdom 47-5; Matthew 14:13-21, 25:31-46)